British Campaign Furniture Collapsible Picnic Shooting Table

Unique collapsible picnic shooting table, ideal for oldtimers and carriages

This is a very special and unique item, based on the British Campaign Furniture  collapsible picnic table made by the firm Scott and Sons in London, circa 1900. This compact set is ideal for oldtimers and carriages.

Made from lightweight wood; dimensions

The set consists of a carrying case that folds out to a picnic table. Within the carrying case there are two fold-out picnic benches. The set, just like the original, is made from lightweight wood. It is finished in satin varnish. The carrying case dimensions are 74 cm X 55 cm x 17.5 cm.(approx. 29 in x 22 in x 7 in)

This is a very special, limited item. Would you like this item? Contact us as soon as possible, as this is available only while quantities last.

Contact us for full details

Click here for Photo’s of this unique item ► Foto’s 


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